Life as a mom can be a fun and challenging journey, filled with countless roles and responsibilities. While motherhood is a beautiful and rewarding experience, it can often leave us feeling overwhelmed and stretched thin, especially during a full season in our lives.
Whether you’re juggling work, family, household chores, or all of the above, it’s crucial to find ways to thrive amidst the chaos. In this episode, I’ll share practical tips to help you navigate this busy time and come out stronger on the other side.

Take a Deep Breath
First and foremost, when life gets hectic, it’s important to take a moment to breathe.
Deep, intentional breaths can help you regain your composure and lower stress levels. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and take several deep breaths.
As you inhale, focus on releasing tension, and as you exhale, let go of worries and anxieties. This simple practice can provide a quick reset and help you approach challenges with a calmer, more centered mindset.
Give Yourself Grace
Moms often set high standards for themselves, striving to be perfect in every aspect of their lives. However, it’s essential to recognize that perfection is unattainable, and it’s okay to make mistakes.
Give yourself the grace to accept that there will be times when things don’t go as planned.
Manage Your Energy Well
Managing your energy is key to thriving in a full season.
By optimizing your energy management, you’ll accomplish more without feeling completely drained. Maintain your best energy by maintaining your MED RX.
Communicate with Your Family and Those Around You
Your family and support system play a crucial role in helping you navigate busy seasons. Open and honest communication is essential.
Let your family know when you’re feeling overwhelmed or need assistance. Share your needs, and don’t hesitate to ask for help when necessary. Remember, you’re not alone, and the people who care about you are there to support you.
Prioritize What Is Actually Important
In the whirlwind of daily tasks and responsibilities, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters. Take a step back and identify your top priorities.
By prioritizing what’s truly important, you can create a more harmony in your full season.
Get Routines and Systems Streamlined
Efficiency is your ally in a full season of life. Streamline your routines and create systems that work for you and your family.
This might involve meal planning, organizing chores, or setting specific times for various activities. By establishing routines and systems, you’ll reduce the chaos and make the most of your valuable time and energy.
Thriving in a full season of life as a mom requires a combination of self-care, communication, and effective time management.
By taking deep breaths, giving yourself grace, managing your energy, communicating with your loved ones, prioritizing what truly matters, and streamlining routines and systems, you can not only survive but thrive.
Remember, it’s okay to seek support and take care of yourself. You are resilient, and with the right strategies in place, you can embrace the challenges and make the most of this vibrant season in your life.
About Toni-Ann
Toni-Ann is a full-time dentist, a reservist in the Navy, and the podcaster at Real Happy Mom.
She is a wife and a boy mom that understands the struggle of juggling work and home. When she is not working, she enjoys watching WWE and watching stand up comedy.
Links Mentioned in This Episode
- MED RX by Brendan Burchard
- Episode 173 – A Simple Practice That Can Help You Stay Sane and Fight Off Mom Guilt with Kelly Smith
- Episode 172 – How to Get Aligned with Your Priorities and Reach Your Goals with 15 Minutes with Cara Harvey
- Episode 102 – Get Your Priorities Straight, Girl! Crucial Strategies to Identify and Implement Your Priorities with LaWann Moses
Related Blog Post
- 15 Time Management Strategies For the Overwhelmed Mom
- 36 Mom’s Best Tips to Balance Career and Mom Lifestyle
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Transcript of This Episode
So you may be feeling like your plate is overflowing, you have things going on with the kids with work at home, and even with other family members, and there is just not enough room on your plate for everything that you have going on. This, my friend is one of those busy or full seasons where it can get really tough managing all the things. But the good news is, I am right there with you. And I’ve got some tips to help you thrive in the midst of your full season. Hey there, my name is Tony. And I am the podcast host of the real happy mom Podcast, the podcast for busy working moms who need help with time management and achieving their big goals without pulling their hair out. And fun fact about me, I am a huge WWE wrestling fan. And my favorite Pay Per View events are money in the bank and the Royal Rumble. And in this episode, today, I’m going to be sharing with you several tips that are going to help you with thriving during your busy or full season. So let’s jump into it. Now, if I can be completely honest with you, I am in one of the hardest seasons that I’ve been in in a long time, not necessarily because anything is overly challenging. It’s just managing all the things that I have going on. So just so that you understand there is my full time job, my nine to five, where there is a lot of transition happening there. Then I have my part time job with the Navy, which is essentially two part time jobs because now I have two jobs in the Navy. So or had those two jobs trying to manage all those things. And then on top of that, we have real happy mom, family relationships and all the other wonderful things going on in life. In to be honest with you, I had thrown my hands up a couple of times in the past few weeks and just said, I don’t know how I’m gonna do all this, like, I can’t do everything. And it’s not that I can’t do everything, I can do it, I’m just not gonna do it very well. And I have some pretty high standards for myself. And I want to make sure that I’m doing things with excellence. And I haven’t been feeling that excellent. And I had a conversation with a friend. And it helped me see that there are some things that I can do to navigate this full season that I wanted to share with you to help you because I know right now, we’re getting ready to enter into the fun holiday season, and it can get pretty full. So first things first. I always like to start with mindset. So it’s easy for us to get in our heads and start thinking about all the things and get ourselves all overwhelmed. And next thing you know, we just kind of ended up being like how I was when I said I threw my hands up and I was like I can’t do this. But firstly, take a deep breath and just relax for a second. A lot of times, I feel like we just need to take a step back and just look at things overall. Just look at the big picture. Don’t judge it. Don’t try to make sense of it. Just look at it and see what all is going on. And just understand that in this season, everything may not be done up to your standards. And that’s okay. Because I know for me, like I said, I like to do things very well. And right now with everything going on. It’s going to be okay. Not great in that is o que. Next thing as far as the mindset is make sure that you’re giving yourself some grace during this time. Because you’re not going to be able to get all the things done that you normally would when your season is not as full. So giving yourself grace can look like just making sure that you’re not beating yourself up when the house is a mess. I know I do that a lot. So when the house gets messy, I’m just like, Ah, you can’t even get anything done. Your house isn’t this. Give yourself some grace, know that the toys are probably going to be on the floor, that’s fine. Things are going to be shifted around and don’t look as great as you would like or you may not be able to clean things as often as you would like. Just give yourself some grace and understand that you’re in a full season and you can’t do everything all by yourself. As much as we think that we’re Superwoman. We can do it all. It’s really not sustainable. So give yourself some grace. Then lastly in the mindset department here I want to remind you to talk to yourself nicely. This is something again I am working on and this is why I want to share this with you. Making sure that you catch yourself when you are saying not so nice things to yourself. And if you have a friend or family member who can catch you or call you out on it too. That is good as well because is no sense in being mean to yourself. Beaten yourself, saying bad things about yourself, when you’re in this full season, all that’s gonna do is make you just less likely to show up as your best self, less likely to give your best effort and less likely for you to really do things well, if you’re constantly beating yourself down. So remember to talk to yourself nicely. So next thing I wanted to share with you, as far as tips to help you in this full season is managing your energy. This is something that I’m really starting to shift more into. Because a lot of times we hear about time management. And yes, time management is very important. And yes, time management is something that we can all do a little bit better on. But a lot of what we really need to be doing better on is managing our energy. And the thing is, is that if you work to be more efficient in managing your health, your emotions, and your overall well being by taking breaks, and making sure you’re refreshed rather than draining yourself, with long hours trying to push and do all the things, you’ll be a lot likely to get through this full season without burning yourself out. So managing your energy, the best way that I can put it is I’m going to take this from Brendon Burchard, he talks about metrics, make sure that you’re paying attention to metrics. And this is an acronym that stands for meditation, exercise, diet, relationships, and then energy and supplementation. So if you are making sure that you’re paying attention to the med RX, then you’re more likely to manage your energy a lot better. So just to go through these really quick with meditation, again, just taking some time to just breathe, relax. Because I find that it’s easy to get into that gogogo mentality where we’re just moving from one thing to the next, in our minds don’t have a chance to take a break or to really kind of take in what’s going on. So meditation is some time for you to just relax, get re centered, and also help with getting your mind a lot more focused. So meditation, it can be something as simple as two minutes. And if you’re looking for some resources, or some help to get started with meditation, definitely go back to Episode 173, where I’m talking to Kelly Smith, and she talks about how to do meditation, and makes it super, super easy. And in that episode, she also goes through a quick two minute meditation that you can do right there with us. So make sure to check out that episode if you are wanting to get started with meditation. So the next thing in matter X is exercise. And exercise can be simply just doing something that is moving your body, whether it’s walking, running, going on the elliptical, hiking, swimming, yoga, whatever it is that you do to get that movement in, that is going to be super helpful for you in managing your energy. And then the next one is diet. And this is something that I’m not gonna lie to you I struggle with, especially when I’m in the fall season, because it’s easy to eat something that is fast and quick and fried. Because it tastes good. And it’s quick and easy. But definitely pay attention to what you’re eating and what you’re consuming. So that you are taking care of your overall health and again, managing your energy well. So that you can go through this whole season without burning yourself out and feeling really crummy in the end
So up next and met our ex is relationships. And it’s really important to not forget about the people that are important to you. Because it’s easy to get in the hustle and bustle of things. And those important relationships are put on the back burner. So this is anything from your partner, your spouse, your kids, family, friends, make sure that you are making time somewhere for these relationships. And then lastly and met our eggs is entity and supplementation. And this is something that Brendon talks about really well, especially with the supplementation part because he is very open and shares how he had a brain injury, and how he takes certain supplementation to help make sure that his brain is functioning at capacity. Now you know what your body is missing. If you don’t know make sure you check in with your primary care, get your bloodwork done, make sure you get everything all checked out. Because I know for me once I went it, everything looked good except for one thing. And that was my iron levels have always struggled with that. I’m not anemic, but my iron levels are always low. So I have some iron supplements that I’m not going to lie to you. I do not take all the time. But when I I’m consistent with taking those supplements as well as making sure that I’m eating well, I feel a whole lot better. So remember, with managing your energy, you want to keep in mind med our ex, so that you are taking care of yourself, so that you can really show up for the long haul and not burn yourself out in the long run. So next, when you’re in this bowl season, or when you’re entering in a full season, it’s really pertinent that you let the people around, you know what’s going on. I say all the time that, you know, I used to think my husband was a mind reader, like he just knew what I was thinking and what was going on. And he was supposed to know what to do, because he knew what I was thinking. But the truth is, is he doesn’t read minds, and he doesn’t know what’s going on with me. And the same thing for the people close to you in your life, make sure that you’re explaining to them even to the kids and letting them know, like, hey, Mommy’s going through some really tough stuff here, with work or with a project or with a goal that you’re pursuing whatever it is that’s going on with you, right now, that is making your season a little extra full, let them know, Hey, I won’t be able to do all the things that you’re used to, I’m gonna need your help with this, this and this, or I need you to understand that it’s not that I don’t want to do these things with you. It’s just right now, I’m using that time and energy to do X, Y, and Z. So just simply communicating and letting those around, you know what’s going on, we’ll help you immensely. Because not only do they know what’s going on, and they’re aware of what’s going on with you, they can do things to help you and support you during your full season to make things a little bit easier. So make sure you talk and communicate and let people know what’s going on with you. So next tip that I want to share with you is prioritizing what’s important. This is something that I feel like I talk a lot about here on the podcast. I have talked to Kevin Harvey about this in Episode 172. Definitely check out that one that is a really good one. I have also talked to Lavon Moses here on the podcast, check out Episode 102, where she shares some really good tips and strategies on prioritizing and setting boundaries. So definitely make sure that you’re looking at what you have going on and prioritizing what is really important, what is really going to move the needle, what are the things that you actually need to get done, because it’s easy to look at your list your to do list and just feel completely overwhelmed. But the truth is, is that you could probably eliminate at least half of those things or get someone else to help you with half of those things, or just postpone it to another time. So take a look at your list of things that you’ve got going on and really see what needs your attention right now. What things can wait, what things you can get help with from others, or what things you cannot eliminate altogether. And then lastly, when you’re in a full season, you really want to get your routines and systems are really, really tightened up. What I mean here is just really streamlining things to make sure that you are being super efficient, and removing all the unnecessary things that are going to prevent you from being super efficient during your season. So this looks different for different people. But for me, I have different routines for different things. So for instance, today, I am typically do what I call my beauty routine, which is when I’m doing washing my hair, shaping up my nails, probably putting some new polish on my fingernails as well as doing a little little petty. Because the last time I went to the nail salon, I spent like $100 And I was like no like this is a lot. So I’ve been doing stuff myself. So yeah, beauty routine. So like I said hair nails, make sure my eyebrows look pretty decent, and also doing the skin routine. But there are some things that I could definitely get rid of that aren’t really necessary in that routine that I have going on. And that’s what I’m doing during this full season. So I am not one neglecting myself but to just making sure that I’m tightening things up with that routine so it’s not taken forever. So really the hair if y’all know the hair is situation can take a long time. So figuring out hairstyles that can last a long time. That look nice and are easy for me to do. So I’m getting super efficient with that instead of doing the really elaborate styles there are cute and fun and all those great things but take forever to do. So that is same thing with the nails. Make sure my nails look nice and presentable, but I’m not going to spend hours you know, doing the different powders making the phone colors and the glitter. One day I’ll get back to that Right now, we’re removing all the unnecessary stuff and doing just the very necessary things. So I want to make sure that I show up and I look my best and feel my best. And I think it’s really important that we don’t neglect our physical appearance as well. So taking time to take care of myself, but do it very efficiently. I’m not going to spend hours like I usually do, we’re going to tighten things up. So what are some routines that you can tighten up? To get things streamlined so that you are more efficient? Could it be your cleaning routine? Are there some things that you can eliminate? From what you do in your cleaning routine? Could it be something that you are doing in the evenings when you come home from work? Do you have an evening routine that you don’t even know as a routine, that you’re doing certain things, certain tasks that you could remove, at least for now, so that you are keeping things very efficient so that you’re utilizing your time and your energy and a lot better place. So just look at overall some of the things that you’re doing and see how you can be more efficient with what you’re already doing and remove unnecessary. That’s my biggest thing, removing the unnecessary because we got to make this really, really tighten. I always say to myself, we’re gonna make this tight, sleek and simple, tight, sleek and simple. How can I do that? So those are my tips for helping you during a full season. Like I said, I’m going through it right now myself. So I am right there with you, as you are in a full season, know that you are not alone. But there are ways that you can do it and actually thrive during this time. So hopefully these tips are helpful. Make sure to go to real happy 218 That is real happy 218 to get all the links in the show notes that were mentioned here in this episode. Now that’s it for this woman. I will see you again next week. Take care and with lots of love
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