Tired of hearing, “You need to stop stressing?” This quick episode is about why I think being stress-free is NOT the goal.
Plus way to reduce the stress in your life so that you are not chronically feeling stressed. I mentioned six ways to reduce your stress right now.
Get Registered for the Purpose Driven Mom Summit
Registration is officially OPEN for the Purpose Driven Mom Summit!
This summit was created to help you nail your routines and create a summer schedule that works for you as a busy WAHM!
We’ve got 26 incredible speakers with topics ranging from How to Create a Space to Work to How to Confidently Talk About Your Business in a Way That Converts to Growing Your Business & Your Marriage and more!
The summit kicks off on June 19th and will be 5 action-packed days that you won’t want to miss.
Links Mentioned in This Episode
- A Purpose Drive Mom Summit: www.realhappymom.com/summit2023
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Transcript of this Episode
Toni-Ann Mayembe
I was having a conversation with a friend who has been struggling with some fertility issues, she had expressed to me how she was gonna go through IVF. And I was super excited about it. And we talked about the plans and, you know, things leading up to it, but it seems like it within the last month, of course, life is happening. And all the plans that she had are not really going that well. So she had plans for her job, she had plans for taking time off. But now she’s at a point where she wants to leave her job, because it is getting extremely stressful for her and she no longer wants to be in that particular environment. So she was having a conversation with a family member and telling them, You know, I really want to get out of this situation. And the family member was just like, you know, you need to stop stressing, you need to, like not stress and not stress out. And she was pretty annoyed by that. And I could totally understand why she was feeling that way. And the reason is, because stress is a natural response to just situations in life like to tell someone to not stress and to be stress free is impossible, because that’s just something we naturally do. But tell someone to, you know, reduce their stress. Now, that is a completely different story. So I just want to let you know, if you are in a situation where someone is telling you, you know, oh, don’t stress or you’re feeling like you shouldn’t be stressed out, I want you to know that it is okay. Stress is a part of life. However, chronic stress or stress that you are having for days, weeks, months on in. Now, that is something that we definitely needs to address. And honestly, that it’s the whole reason why real happy mom is here. Real happy mom is here to just help moms with the feeling of overwhelm and feeling like they can’t accomplish all the things that they have within them. Because I truly believe that you shouldn’t every person on this planet has a gift, and something to bring to this world. And you can’t if you’re stressed out and overwhelmed. So having systems and routines that we teach here on real happy mom are going to help you with getting out of that stressed out state so that you can begin to make progress and to make impact and accomplish those big goals that you have. So I want to share with you a couple of things that you can begin to do right now. That will help you with reducing the stress. So don’t think I’m crazy. But the first thing that I have is a laugh. If you can find something to laugh at whether you get on Netflix and watch some stand up comedy, or just go to YouTube and search for some funny clips. Just laughing will help to reduce the stress and release some of those feel good hormones. Now I love some stand up comedy. Some of my favorites are Trevor Noah, Gabriel Yglesias, and Tiffany Haddish. So again, if you need some help, try one of those three out and watch some comedy and get some laughing lined. Up next is breathing. Now, breathing is something that we’ve talked about many times here on the podcast. And the reason is because we tend to find that our bodies get into that fight or flight mode. And we are really not needing to be there. Meaning that we’re getting shots, and our bodies are feeling like it needs to take off and run. But we’re in the middle of a meeting or we’re just having a difficult conversation. So one way to get her bodies to calm down. So that we can start to reduce some of that stress is by taking some depressant. So let’s try doing some of that right now. So while you’re sitting there walking, or when something around the house while you’re listening to this podcast, I want you to take a deep breath in. And let it out. Do that a couple of times, and you’ll notice that your body will begin to relax. Another thing that you can do really quickly to begin to reduce the stress is moving around, whether that’s taking a walk, or stretching or even doing a couple of yoga poses, whatever you need to do to move your body so that you can get some of that energy out and start to feel better. A couple of things to keep in mind when it comes to reducing stress is make sure that if your stress is really getting to a point where you’re needing some help reach out to others, because some of that connection time can help with reducing stress. Whether it’s just by having a venting session with a girlfriend, or just, you know, letting out whatever it is that you have with your partner. And don’t forget to check in and see how much time that you’re spending on social media because you may be focusing on other people and feeling even more so Ask because they are doing something that you’re not, or they seem to be doing better than you are. Whatever the case is. So just make sure that you’re taking that everything that has helped me with reducing stress, especially if I’m focusing too much on my problems. And all the things that are not going right in my life, is I will take some time to just write down a few things that I’m grateful for. Whenever I start to look at the things that I’m actually grateful for, that are going on in my life, even when things seem to be like pretty bad, I can find something to be grateful for. And that will change my perspective, and help me with reducing stress. So I have something that I want to share with you that is going to help with this. And that is the purpose driven moms Summit. This is the sixth year that we are having the summit and I am so excited to be a part of it again. And I know this year is going to be super helpful. Now usually the summit takes place in March, but this year, it has taken place in June, actually starting on June 19. And I want you to join me in there, because this is really going to help you during this particular season, which can get pretty stressful. So there are going to be several different presentations and speakers that are going to help you with things from accomplishing your goals to get in your business setup, to getting your finances in order, all the things that you are struggling with during the summertime. I guarantee you there is a presentation on that, especially when it comes to the kids. So head on over to Real happy mom.com/summit 2023 to get registered for this free summit that is taking place on Monday, June 19. And there are so many prizes, and so many sponsors, including real happy mom that are giving away a lot of free things. So make sure you go over and take advantage of all this good stuff. I’m not wanting you to be stress free, but I want you to have reduced stress. Because, yes, stress is a natural part of life. And I do think that stress will help us with getting certain tasks done. We’re having some urgency and all those things, but chronic stress, that is not the way to go. So join me in the summit so that we can learn some ways to reduce the stress and so that we can live our best lives. Now that’s it for this episode. Make sure you stay tuned for next week for another full episode. I have a very special guests that is going to be coming on and talking about how we can reduce anxiety. So make sure you stay tuned for that. I’ll be back again on Tuesday for a full episode. Take care and with lots of love