How’s it going with those big goals that you made at the beginning of the year?
It’s crazy that we will bring in the new year very soon. But before we do, we gotta tackle those goals. Especially the one that will make you money.
But you don’t know where to start.
And you have no time to get everything done between the kids and work.
Before you get frustrated and give up, check out this episode with my friend Ysaline.
In this episode, you’re gonna learn how you can get started with your new business alongside your nine to five without feeling like you’re burning at both ends. And you’re also gonna learn how to tackle that to-do list and procrastination that is stealing time from you, reaching your goals.

About Ysaline
Ysaline Rozier is a former corporate project manager turned into time management and success coach.
She has learned how to transform her life from a draining corporate 9-5 to building a meaningful nomadic business that is helping purpose-driven professional women confidently master their time and productivity to reach their goals.
She has gone through struggles, fears, and endless questions about understanding what she wanted in her life and how to make it happen within a limited time. Now, she is teaching every woman willing to take action how to lead their own life and work with the right time management and mindset techniques.
The Time To Money Summit will begin on October 3rd and continue until October 7th. You’ll have five days to master your time, productivity, and mindset to achieve anything you want in your business and life to make 2022 one of the best.
Register here to claim your free seat:

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Transcript of this episode
Toni-Ann Mayembe 0:02
I’m sure that you started the year with some pretty big goals, or you told yourself, you’re going to get started on that big dream that you put off for a while now, the thought of starting a business or turning your passion to a profit has been on your mind and something that you’ve been wanting to do for a long time. And you thought that 2022 was going to be the year. But we’re months away from the end of 2022. And you haven’t quite started on those big goals yet. If you’re honest, you probably been procrastinating a little bit on getting started because you have so much to do and you don’t even know where to start. The good news is there’s still time, and I know someone that can give you a couple pointers on how to get it all done. In this episode, today, you’re gonna learn how to deal with the fear of starting on this journey that can possibly turn into an entrepreneurial journey, you’re going to learn how you can get started with your new business alongside your nine to five without feeling like you’re burning at both ends. And you’re also going to learn how to tackle that to do lists, and procrastination, that is stealing time from you reaching your goals. You’re listening to the real happy mom Podcast, the podcast that helps you with time management at work and home. My name is Toni-Ann and my mission is to help you the busy working mom find harmony at work and home while pursuing your dreams and passions without burning yourself out. Phil, you and I were talking about how many times we think that we don’t have any real talents or gifts. Or maybe our gifts and talents aren’t that useful. But the truth is that we all have gifts and talents that the world needs. And many times you can’t even see it because it’s right under your nose. But one way to figure out your gifts that you could possibly and potentially turn into a profit is by accent someone questions or like a Celine Dion.
Ysaline 1:53
During two years, I had zero new like, okay, what are the stuff that I’m really good at. And I can help people with, I had a lot of my friends around me, we started to help me how I got my kids, I don’t have the time to shower, I don’t know how I’m going to get back to work. And some of my friends saying, Oh, I’m working so much that I don’t have the time to deal with my own personal project. And I was like, Yeah, I can help you do that. That’s fine. I’m really good at it. So I asked a few friends around me and say, okay, like, do you mind starting to work together, because I knew I can help you. And everything started from there, from like, helping my friend around me and loving it. And now I’m I’m super grateful because I’m working with women all over the world.
Toni-Ann Mayembe 2:45
So how did easily and deal with the fear of starting something new and stepping out on her new entrepreneurial journey.
Ysaline 2:53
So basically, all these fear were like going up to me and I was like, oh my god, I’m freaking out. But I had this internal ricing is what I’m supposed to do on Earth. So even if I had old sphere, I told myself, okay, one action at a time. So I basically used to establish a plan to make sure that I was not like liking any money. And I could supervise the time that I guess my business up and running, because that’s the thing that is critical for every woman wants to actually run a business. So I don’t really know where this journey is going to lead me. But I’m going to take one step at a time. So I didn’t really have like everything mapped up in my mind. It was like one step at a time, one fear at a time. But the fact of like taking a baby step and showing myself I am doing it. People love what I do. And when you are diving into what you want, what you need to think in order to get there, you are seeing okay, this is a photo that I have in our in Tempe me, this is a photo that I need in order to help me and now I just need to put this photo that are helping me at the place of the ones that are like holding me back.
Toni-Ann Mayembe 4:11
A lot of the women that I talked to they are working a nine to five. So they already have their work, they have their families and then they have this other thing that they want to do. So what are some of the things that you suggest for moms that are in that situation?
Ysaline 4:28
So first of all, I think this first step will say I can do it. You need to get your mind set straight saying okay, this is what I’m what I’m going to do. The second step is knowing the step and the fact that like sometime in most of the time, what is preventing us from taking action in taking efficient action is that we are not clear on what we should do and where we are going. So it’s all built out from having the end in mind. What is your goal? And from this go? Reverse engineer Are everything and say, okay, so what are what are the big steps that they need to do? And inside of this big step, what are the actions that they get to do, and then look into your calendar in your day to day calendar. And if leggies you don’t have everything in one place, I highly encourage you to have a calendar with everything. So you family stuff, your kids stuff, your work staff, like you can color code like each of the each of the calendar, so you have it in one place. So you can see what I call the blank space. In the blank space that you have, you will input each action that you needs to take. And you will say okay, so tomorrow, I only have like 20 minutes. So what is the next thing that I need to do in order to move the needle forward, and that is taking me 20 minutes to do. So you are looking at releasing this task, this is the next thing that I need to do.
Toni-Ann Mayembe 5:55
Breaking down your goal. Starting your side hustle can start with just 15 to 20 minutes a day, make sure to check out episode 172 with care to learn more on how you can utilize 15 minutes a day to reach your goals. You may look and find that you have a task that you need to complete that you’re going to take longer than the 15 to 20 minutes. And that’s totally fine. Find a way to break down the task into smaller chunks so that you can continue to make progress. Little by little each time that you take a step forward. Even if you’re not sure, you’ll get feedback that you need to allow yourself to see if you need to continue or course credit. So don’t get caught up in the future and think about what you don’t know. And so don’t get caught up in the future and think that you don’t know what to do. Or look into the past and look at all of your mistakes. Focus on the present and taking steps one at a time. But what if you underestimate how long a task will take, or you’re not completely sure how long a task will take? Let’s see what Easterling has to say,
Ysaline 7:00
when you are estimating your tasks wrong. That’s when were you getting the overwhelm. Because you are going to apply, you’re going to put 20 minutes in your calendars is going to take you one hour, and things are going to start to overlap in your day. And at the end of the day, you’re going to be overwhelmed, you’re going to be drained. So usually when I’m saying to my client, you have to option whether you have done that as before, and you know how long this is going to take you. So that’s 20 minutes, fine, you know that in 20 minutes is going to get done. And the other side, if you have never done it as before, you need to listen to regret. So if your gut is telling you, okay, so I think maybe that’s 20 minutes, but you’re not really sure you’re going to get it done in 20 minutes, you say, Okay, maybe I’m going to plan for you, or maybe one hour, I prefer you to plan extra time for it, then too little time because when the time is too short, you get stressed and you get overwhelmed. When you have extra time. If you have extra time to do something else, or just after that, that’s fine.
Toni-Ann Mayembe 8:01
What is your advice to the moms that don’t have all the help? Who is a solopreneur, who doesn’t have a team yet, who’s trying to get things off the ground and and start making money.
Ysaline 8:12
So my first thing will be like, list the activities that are going to bring you money. Even if you have like a small window of time during your week, just focus on what is going to bring you money because the more money you bring, the more you can hire some people to help you. So that whole that will be my main advice for the woman who you know, like are just starting that don’t is are not yet inheriting revenues that maybe don’t know what they wants to do right now. I will say that just focus on what is the next step that you can take that is going to move the needle forward for you.
Toni-Ann Mayembe 8:52
So you get it, start with it. So you’re getting started. So you’re getting started and you’re making some progress, and then things stop. Not because what you’re doing isn’t working, but because you start procrastinating. What’s this all about? Now a word about when we feel like we’re procrastinating or putting things off. Because a lot of times we have a lot going on and we’ll put things off and put things off and which can seem like procrastination and then we start to get into that spiral of beating ourselves up like oh, I should have I could have that kind of thing.
Ysaline 9:31
So for me progress nation, this is just a warning sign. This is a warning sign that something is not working for you. Because most of the time when we’re procrastinating, we’re procrastinating on a specific task or maybe a task, but we need to ask yourself, Okay, so why are we procrastinating first? And what is a form of procrastination? Because a lot of us we don’t know. So for some woman, as you said are going to scroll on to Telemedia for over a woman’s are going to be done Netflix, some of them are going to take a nap or play games, there is plenty of ways to procrastinate. So the first thing will be to be aware of the form of procrastination that you have. And the second one is say, okay, so when I’m doing this, what am I supposed to do? What is the task that I’m progressing, procrastinating on? And when you know, what is the task? Ask yourself. Okay. So what is hard? What makes me uncomfortable regarding is that, is that too complicated? I don’t know where to start. Like, this is too repetitive, I don’t know, try to understand what is bothering you about it, and try to take some action to actually make it happen. So which means that if you don’t know where to start, just say okay, so I think maybe the first step that I should take is this one. So plan, maybe five minutes in your calendar for the next day, and start doing this action. Because the fact like when we’re starting to do something, we realize it’s not that complicated, that it will not take you as long as you think. And this will get you this will get you forward a lot of the time, we have in our mind, some stuff that are wrong, saying, Oh, my God, this is going to take me three hours, when you’re actually going to do is is it going to take you 15 minutes. But unless you get you get started somewhere, and I will tell you to start small, you will never take action.
Toni-Ann Mayembe 11:37
And I’m hearing this reoccurring thing with you about knowing where you’re going and then taking action. Even if it’s just small steps. What are some of the things that you feel like hold women back from taking action? And how can we get through the mental blocks that may be hanging us up?
Ysaline 11:55
I think most of the time why women are aren’t taking action is because they didn’t put everything on paper. And as women, we tend to like Selden foods day, and we kept everything here, we get everything in our mind. And we’re going round and round and round and wrong. And this is driving us nuts. In order to get clarity and know what is coming next and what you should do next, you need to put everything on paper. And once everything is on paper, you can say Okay, so first of all, I have more mental space of things. So which is really important. And second of all, when you’re looking at your paper, you can say okay, so I have all of this things that I need to do. What is the task that I need to do the next that is going to move the thing forward for me
Toni-Ann Mayembe 12:46
taking time to brain dump and get everything out that you’ve been carrying, in your mind, on paper, it can be really therapeutic, especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed. After just a few minutes of getting everything out on paper, things will start to jump out at you that you should work on now. But what if you got a list that is mile long? And how can we start to make it more manageable.
Ysaline 13:09
A lot of people try to put on their to do lists like tasks that they don’t really want to do. They can delegate or they can eliminate some time we spend our time like you know, read being really busy. And the fact that like be being busy is not being productive. So when it comes to putting everything on paper, ask yourself this question is as task here for three months, because if you haven’t done it for three months, there is a large chance that you don’t seek to do it for the next coming three months. What are the steps that I can delegate in I mean, visor advisor, you don’t have to have the money to delegate, like, you have plenty of people around you. You have your family, your friends, you don’t need to ask for help. And after narrowing down to then you have three staff, their urgent staff, the critical staff, and what is it and what needs to be done. So what is urgent is like all the tasks that if we’re not doing them right away, this is going to blow out your face and you are going to have even more stuff to do. So usually is that the steps that you will need to take care of right away. What I call the critical task is a critical that are going to help you move forward. So whatever projects that you have, whether they’re what you want to build or create, that’s the stuff that really needs to be on, on your on your day to day calendar, because this is what is going to change your life or your business and the things that need to be done that stuff that we need to do. But you know, like there is no real urgency in doing it like it can wait a week, two weeks, like the word is not going to break down if you’re not doing them and having these three stuff in mind and focusing on what is urgent and why stuff urgent aren’t done focusing on what is critical. This is what is going To help you get where you want. So the first one would be the Brendham. After I have like the prioritization sheets, because once you know what you do, you need to prioritize. When you have the prioritization sheets, you need to understand, okay, so what are your goal sheet? What are you like your short term goal, mid goal and long term goal. And once you pick all the goals that are going to come next, you have this phase of like saying, okay, so this is a goal that I want to achieve in the coming month or in the coming years. And I’m going to reverse engineer everything. So for each of these goals, what are the big step for each of the big step? What are my action for each of that as this action is or somebody then action right on belongs right down below the line. And once you do like this, this kind of planning roadmap that you are creating, you can say, okay, for each one of them, this is a time that is T is that is taking me. And when you are having the time, you can say okay, let’s open my calendar. It’s fine when I have my blank space, and let’s plan it. And after you all you really have like this process of like, okay, understanding where are you at what worked, what didn’t work? What can you change, because let’s face it, when it comes to reaching your goal, and building something like, this is not your road is not going to be a straight line. This is going to be like up and down and up and down until you get where you want to go. And you need to be open with the fact that change is going to happen. And change is good. So that will be mainly once you have a roadmap is also diversity in what you are, where you are, what you do. What worked, what didn’t work, can you change.
Toni-Ann Mayembe 16:48
Sometimes as much as we try to play in life happens. And it’s easy to feel like your plans are worthless when your kid gets sick or a storm comes and takes out your power for a week, but easily has a way that you can work around this
Ysaline 17:04
rescheduling or scheduling and rescheduling re skilling is key, you need to learn that change is good change. Change is going to lead you where you want and going to lead you how the overwhelm. But you need to have this big vision and to know what are your priorities in order to make that happen. The fact that likes change scary, because when something’s changing, like you untie a plan that you had in your mind is like going to like going to trash and you need to implement something else in order to make that happen. And when you when you know that anything can happen. And any way you know how to deal with it. That’s when the beauty is happening. Because you are not stressing over anything because you know that no matter what is coming your way, you will have the time and you will find a way to make it happen. And that’s something that I tell to my client, when you’re going to change something, you’re going to learn a new thing. Like that’s might be hard, that might be easy. But you’re going to learn an extra thing, and you’re going to grow. And when you’re doing uncomfortable, which includes change, like you are learning a lot. And that’s how you get to your goal at the end.
Toni-Ann Mayembe 18:19
Talk to us about why you started the summit and what we can expect if we participate in the summit.
Ysaline 18:25
So basically, this event is called the total money Summit. And the goal of this summit is really to help any professional woman learn how to convert your time into money, which is because the fact that like, even if you’re a solopreneur even if you’re a warmer woman who are working from a night five, like your main goal was if you want to have a side hustle or business is to make money. And in order to make money, you need to do the right action to to actually make money. Because we all have like different time constraints during the week, some of the women will will have like maybe five hours a day because they’re entrepreneur and working on the business. Some weather maybe have like five hours a week to work on on the side. So but the faculty you need to use this time wisely. And this event is all about that. So we’ll have like more than 20 speakers. We’re going to speak about like time management, productivity planning mindset when mindset and anything related to business, anything that can help you launch whatever you want in your life. Because that’s what I feel is missing in my community is like a lot of women, they want to start something whether it’s a side hustle or not. But the fact that like if you’re not making money, you will never pursue this path. Because you will say Oh, this is not working. This is not for me for me, and you will stay where you are. Why? If we are empowering women to do more, they will help even more women And that’s what I want to do I want to add to help women we’re going to help with a woman, and as a community will will be able to give more back.
Toni-Ann Mayembe 20:10
So what will you come out of the summit with, not only will you come out with time management strategies that will help you reach your goal faster, you’ll also come out with more clarity on your goals.
Ysaline 20:21
I think that I will be like more than happy if, if at least they know what are the two three steps that needs to take next. Because as you said, clarity is really hard to get. But clarity is coming from action. So if by watching this interview, they’re saying, okay, so I think this nine mark two or three next step, and if focus on that, this will make the difference.
Toni-Ann Mayembe 20:48
So now you have a good idea of what you need to do, and ways to get going before the end of the year. But what is the very first step that easily and thinks that we should start with
Ysaline 20:58
I think the only thing that I will say to all the women who are listening to us is like believe in yourself, believe that you can make it happen because the fact is like it all starts there. If you are not believing that you are meant for more, you will stay where you are your entire life. And we are all meant for more whether some people around you are telling us the opposite. I’m telling you, you are meant for more, and you need to believe it.
Toni-Ann Mayembe 21:26
Because you’re still listening, I know that you are more than ready to turn your time into money. So join me in the time to money summit by using the link in the description. It’s completely free and starts October 3. So stop what you’re doing now just for a sec, and click on that link in the description so that you can hear more ways and get clarity on how you can turn your time into money. That’s it for this one. Take care and with lots of love