I am sure I’m not the only one that has felt like the entire week has just fallen apart. The worst part is when you feel like you don’t know where to start to pick up the pieces to get back on track.
Don’t beat yourself anymore because I have a guest on the podcast today that is going to help you turn those days or weeks around so that you can get back in control and get rid of the overwhelm.
In this episode Mridu shares:
- How to create a to-do list that really works
- What do you do when your day/week goes falls off track
- Help for those that feel like they can’t have structure
- Tips for how do get the most important things done in a day

Overloaded moms work with Mridu to prioritize and systemize so they take control of their demands and distractions. Results include a 50% drop in overwhelm, 10 hours a week saved on emails, and multiple pant sizes shed through new routines. Mridu is a productivity coach, best-selling author, mom of two teens, and founder of Life Is Organized.
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Transcript of this episode
Real Happy Mom 0:05
You are listening to the Real Happy Mom podcast, the weekly podcast for busy working moms to get inspiration, encouragement and practical tips for this journey called motherhood. My name is Tony and in you are listening to Episode 151. So I know I’m not the only one that has experienced those days or weeks, like things have gone completely haywire and just trying to figure out how this all happened, and how can we fix it. And, uh, trust me, I’ve got someone that’s going to help me and you get it all together when it comes to those weeks and days that does feel like have gone completely haywire. I have my gift. Renu, who is going to be sharing with us how we can do better with all of this with some really simple and practical tips. In this episode. Today, she talks to us about how we can start to create a to do list that really works for us, not one that gets us overwhelmed and makes us feel like we’re not getting anything done. But something that is really going to get taken care of and we can actually accomplish. Also, we talked about what we can do when our day and week starts to fall on track off track, what can we do right now so that we can get things back on track and start to accomplish things and be that awesome mom that I know that you are we also jump in to how we can deal with the thoughts of feeling like we can’t have a structure or structure this will work for our lives. And then lastly, she shares with us how we can start to get the most important things done in the day. So if this is something that you know that you need help with, because I know I do, you make sure that you stay tuned this is for episode, it’s gonna be a really, really good one. And I learned so much more than I really expected from this episode, because it’s really some things that honestly just wasn’t even thinking about. And you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about once we jump in. But before we do that really quick, if you haven’t already, make sure you head over to the Facebook community. And if you’re like Tony, what are you talking about, make sure to go to Real Happy Mom comm slash community to join the Facebook group that we have over there, which is pretty much the after party to the podcast, I’ll be sharing some more of the tips and encouragement that I do here as well as a monthly training that I do that shows you how to use Trello to help with getting your life organized. And just making it a whole lot better and simpler. So go over to Real Happy Mom comm slash community join me and trust me these trainings that I’m doing are ones that some moms have paid some a nice that was for so you can get that for free. If you join me over in the Facebook group. Okay, go over to Real Happy Mom comm slash community join me there. So now that we have that out of the way, let’s go ahead and jump on into this week’s episode. Alrighty, well, welcome to the podcast. I’m so excited to be here. Thank you. toniann. Yes, thank you, thank you for coming on and chatting with me today. Um, we were just talking about kids and getting ready for school. But I think you’re gonna help us all the way out. This talk is all going to be about you know, how we can get back on track when our day or week goes a little crazy. So I’m excited to have you. But before we jump into our topic, I just wanted you to share a little bit about you and what you do.
Mridu 3:37
Well, thank you, I’m so happy to be here. I’m resu otherwise known as rhythm, mirror through rhythm, ah, whatever, whatever floats your boat, that’s really hard to say, I have a productivity coach. And women, it comes to me typically mompreneurs who are feeling really overwhelmed with all their demands, and all their distractions all the time, right. And so we work together to help simplify their lives, create systems, get routines going, and really get them feeling under control. And the number one thing that I like to leave my clients with is the idea of waking up with a plan every day. So every day they wake up, they’re like, lady, I know what’s in front of me. I know what’s in store, I have a plan for what’s happening. And the kicker is this is both at home and at work by background was actually as a professional home organizer. And then I transitioned into productivity. So what the cool thing is, we talk everything from like organizing your, you know, pantry, to a meal plans to getting your invoicing together and delegating a system out to your assistants. So it really sort of like this whole life control. And it just it’s just really, really, really fun to work with them in to kind of get it all moving moving smoothly so that they can have a greater impact on their family and their work and their community.
Real Happy Mom 4:59
Yeah Definitely, and I know I’m probably one of your clients too, because like some days I’ll be really good and other days not. Because when you said professional home organizer, I was like, Pick me Pick me, I want you to help me. Yes, I am loving all of those things, especially it sparks getting that whole like control. Because I know especially with us moms going back to school, or getting back into rhythm of school, things can kind of get a little off track. So I’m just wondering, like, first how you even get started with creating a to do list that actually works for you and your clients?
Mridu 5:38
Yeah, the to do list is my Savior. I think this is like the go to tool in terms of more than any app you can download or any calendar, it all starts with a to do list. For me. It’s like this really cathartic place. It’s cathartic exercise to get everything out of my head, and get it onto a list. So the first part of actually making a great to do list is doing that it’s not just doing the brain dump, right, getting it all out. And this seems counterintuitive, because a lot of times my clients be like, this isn’t, it’s just a big giant list, like, well, how is this helping you? It’s just, and then they do it? And they’re like, oh, okay, now I know why I’m so overwhelmed. Now I know, I have 7000 things on my mind. And you know, and why I’m swirling in my head and why I’m getting paralyzed. And so I think the very first step is just do the brain dump. And this means, girl, everything from, here’s a laundry, I’ve got to do, I got to pay these bills to, here’s the emails I’ve got to send and the text messages that go out of the presentation, you know, it’s everything. To make it a little bit more organized, I will try to break it down into maybe different parts of my life, and maybe perhaps sort of different areas within those parks. So for example, I might just make, okay, let me just brain dump everything that’s going on at home, like all the things I got to get done. And within that, I might just break it down just to help me sort of not be so scattered and think, Okay, well, what do I got to get done with the kids today? Or this week? What do I have to do with the errands? What do I have to do to for that birthday party? Right, like, what do I do for meal planning? And then similarly, I do the same thing on the business side. So okay, what do I need to get done with marketing? You know, in the next couple weeks for this week, what about that social, but what about the social media updates? What are all the things? What are all the things on, you know, invoicing? And so that’s kind of how we started so that very first step is just the brain dump. Does that is that so far jiving? Does that make sense? Any questions on that?
Real Happy Mom 7:33
Yeah, no, no, no, because I do something similar. I just do kind of compartment and the different parts of my life. But I like how you’ve been taking a step further in saying like, you know, what do I need to do for the meal planning, because I didn’t even do it that far. So I like that.
Mridu 7:49
Yeah, it’s truly cathartic. Because it’s like everything that’s in your mind. So one way to think about this, like this, what’s happening when everything comes out of your mind is like this analogy of like a warehouse versus a factory, okay, so if you have all this stuff in your head, you know, when you’re like mumbo jumbo, just your heads, your brain is so full, you feel like you’re over capacity. And then and the way that that shows up is I’m procrastinating doing stuff I shouldn’t really be doing or I just, you know, paralysis, I can’t figure out what to do. Next, I’m going to go watch TV, you’re going to Instagram right, which shows up in different ways, all the steps in your head. And when it’s like that your brain is kind of like a warehouse. So you pick your warehouse, right? you’re picturing like Amazon or something, it’s full, right like that, like, it’s totally full. And after a while the warehouse gets so full, there’s dust on top, and there’s like all these boxes and you can’t like it’s just it’s just full, right? And there’s like nothing is of interest in there. You can figure things out. A factory, on the other hand, is something that like things are coming in, they’re being created, and then they’re out, right, they’re coming in, they’ve been created and going out. And that’s essentially what this brain dump does. It allows you’re all the ideas that are sitting in your head instead of being like a warehouse. Now you’re like churning them, you’re getting them out of paper, which leaves all this room in your brain, all of a sudden, you’re like I have all this space, instead of being a full warehouse. Now I’m a factory now creativity comes. And now I’m more present and have more clarity. Now I better listening skills, because all of a sudden, all this brain space is freed up, right? And like now you’re like, oh, like that thing that couldn’t remember totally came to me. But you know, because you’ve got other things out. So that’s why I think it’s so important to go through that first step.
Real Happy Mom 9:30
Yes, I really like the analogy of the factory versus the warehouse because I always say that our brains aren’t meant to be storage devices. They’re actually meant for problem solving and creating solutions and things like that. So I love the factory analogy because that goes perfectly what I have been saying this whole time but I’m thinking about, you know, when we get to that point where we’re starting to get into the warehouse mode, would you say like, okay, that’s probably a time for you to a timeout, let’s do a brain dump. How would you tackle that when the mind is getting to that warehouse where things aren’t really processing? And you’re not really getting functioning like the factory you’re describing?
Mridu 10:12
Yeah, Tony, and you totally hit it. Absolutely. So I would say when ever you’re in complete overwhelm, right? You know, we all know the feeling. We’re like, I’m so overwhelmed right now. This is your go to tool, like, you’re like, Okay, what I need to do, I’ll just do a brain dump, just gonna do the brain dump, like, and it’s amazing how much clarity comes out from that process. So there’s a couple other steps. But the first thing is like that, right? We do the brain dump. And what happens? You’re like, Okay, I got everything out. Like you said, Yeah, now I can start problem solving. Now I can truly start prioritizing, because I can see it right. Now I can start thinking clearly. So the next step that I’d say is really prioritize. And just pick and this is a tough one, this is a really tough part is put a stake in the ground. And pick, I like to start with five, sometimes you’re like, let me do 10. But I think five is a great place to start. Where are my top five priorities, the top five next things that I should or I should be doing? I should be okay. Not that I could be. Because we can all go back to the dishes or organizer do or do anything to procrastinate. But what I should be doing, and the way that I really helped myself get through that question is I think like, okay, at the end of the day, like tonight, when I’m getting into bed, and I’m turning off the lights, what are the five things that I do that’s going to make me feel really successful tonight, but how am I going to feel really rewarded, and often, that is a combination of personal and professional, right? It’s like, maybe I need to go for a 30 minute walk or get a workout in and I got to like, send out that email that I’ve been putting off for four days. And so you pick those top five, and I actually put a number next to them. So it’s 12345. And what this does, it forces you to pick five, right, instead of just like a pick five, but really, it’s eight, no, pick your five. And then I would even take those five, and put them on a separate list. So don’t actually leave it with the brain dump list, because it’s so mega overwhelming to see the list of everything in the world. And then when you look at that list, you’re looking at your, you know, if you try to pick your top five, you’re gonna get distracted, right with all the other stuff on the list. So as they get another sheet of paper, get a sticky note, get a start a new word, Doc, and do like get those top five written down. And then the last step, and this is where the home run is, this is how you bring it all together is you have that set, you have that top five, you estimate some time around it just a just an estimation, like I think this is gonna take me 30 minutes, it’s my take me 90 minutes, it’s gonna take me 4040 minutes, and we get it on our calendar. If we don’t get on the calendar, I feel like that’s where the biggest chance of failure exists. Like, that’s where we rest, total failure, because we’ve gone through all this work, and we’ve picked the top five, and we’ve gotten that far. But then we don’t get on the calendar. And then as we all know, you know, a million other things come up the texts and the calls and the kids and everything else. So that’s kind of that’s the process. But definitely when you’re overwhelmed, this is the thing to do.
Real Happy Mom 13:06
Yes, yes, I am totally with you on that one. Because I have remembered many of times where I was like, oh, my goodness, I got so much to do so much to do so much to do. And then once I brain dump, I’m like, Oh, I don’t have that much. It’s okay, like I can handle. So is definitely really, really helpful. Definitely something that I wish I would remind myself to do more. So that I don’t have to be in that that panic and overwhelmed mode. But I love the way that you say to actually pick a time and estimate a time around it too. Because I think that is one thing that I failed to do. But really be helpful so that I know where and when I can plug things in on the calendar, especially when there’s limited amount of time to get things done. So I’m loving all of that.
Mridu 13:50
Yeah, and I would suggest you know, busy moms out here we have kids your work. Start with three, even three is great, right? We always want to start with less because then anything on top of that is just makes you feel even better than the day. If you start with five who start with 10. If you start with five, even sometimes we don’t get through them. Or let’s say you do five, right, you have five in your list, and you only get through three, like what do you focus on on the end of the day? Like the two we didn’t get done, right? That’s like all you can think about are those two. So it’s better to have your three, get them on the calendar accomplish those three and then feel amazing. And then anything after that is just gravy. Right? It feels amazing after that.
Real Happy Mom 14:30
Yes, definitely. Now, I’m thinking about the the moms especially when we’re feeling a little bit off track, like what would you say or suggest to do when we’re feeling like our day or week is just getting totally off track even after we’ve prioritized and gotten that to do list and we’re just feeling like we’re we’re a train wreck. What would you say to those moms?
Mridu 14:53
Oh, yeah, I mean, it happens all the time. Right? You wake up in the morning, the nonsense gets thrown at you before you even get coffee down right you have like clothes Issues of your phones blowing up and no one can find their shoes, no one can find their keys, you know, and who’s walking the dog and all this stuff starts happening, right? So we can start, like the moment we wake up. And I would say if, if that’s you, and you can relate to that, one of the best things we can do, and it’s related to what we were just saying was that to do list and scheduling the time is, but it’s really just making that habit of waking up with that plan. Waking up with it is really different than just only having it right. Which means Typically, this is like the thing you’re doing at night before you go to bed. Or maybe when you call it quits for work. Or maybe it is right the first thing the morning, but it’s at 5am before the kids wake up and the dog is barking if that’s if that’s something that’s feasible for you. For a lot of women, nighttime is better in the evening, or after dinner or during dinner, you know, whatever. They’re just sitting down and thinking, Okay, what is that? What are the things I want to take control of in the morning? What about mid morning? What does my afternoon look like? How is my evening? And sort of looking at that calendar how to time because you’re it when you look at that calendar, and you see the meetings and the events and the calls on there? It triggers all these questions like, wait, what am I gonna be wearing in the morning? Or do I have the directions? They’re worried? Or should lunches be made now? Or do the kids have everything they need? Right? You just start, it triggers really, really important questions and allows you to start taking simple actions. But when we wake up in the frenzy, it’s like the typically the way our day starts is the way our whole day goes, you know, and so we want to get that sense of control first thing in the morning. So I would say if you could take that five or 10 minutes, this isn’t like a massive investment of thinking about your day, the night before. And really just looking at that calendar. And again, just going through that process, what are my top three? When and where am I going to do them on my day tomorrow, you’re gonna wake up 100 times more in control. And just like you can just feeling like a beast of it at the beginning of the day.
Real Happy Mom 16:56
Yeah, definitely. I will say that, that I start with my top three things because like you said, like, anything on top of that is gravy. And it makes me feel even better. And I can handle three, three threes a nice number, that doesn’t sound too bad. So planning out those three things. But like you said, If I wake up and I don’t have my top three things, and I’m just kind of, you know, going with the flow, figuring it out as I go like, that’s when I set myself up, because then I’m like, oh, my goodness, I was supposed to do XYZ and I didn’t get it done like ah, and then I’m filling all of tracks. So I’m loving the idea of waking up with a plan like, this is definitely something that we got to make sure I’m doing at nighttime in my nighttime routine to make sure that I wake up and I am feeling amazing and accomplishing things because I didn’t even think about how you’re saying and how we’re already kind of like asking ourselves these questions. It’s like once we start to look at the calendar and starting to prepare things, because even when you said that I was like already thinking like, Oh, yeah, I do need to get that thing together. And did I finish getting that ready for the meeting and all those things. So I love how you’re saying we need to you know, wake up with that plan and looking at the calendar ahead of time so that we can get prepared.
Mridu 18:08
Yeah, I just got off a call with a with a coaching call with the client. And she was telling me how they were going through her week last week. And she was like Monday and Tuesday I had the best plan. She has an accountability buddy, they get other they make their plan every day. And she’s like, and then things go crazy. When I fell off the wagon didn’t do it. When did there’s a Friday, she’s like, the first half my week kicked, bought joke, it was awesome. She’s like, those two days were show productive. Just like the rest of the week was kind of nonsense. It was garbage. You know, like you’re like, like, I don’t even know what happened. I can’t remember what I did those three days. I do. I do think it’s that powerful. It’s like the difference between just feeling so good. Which by the way, is what builds momentum, what really gets you motivated, inspired for the next day, versus like working still really hard all day, right? It’s not like you’re putting in less effort, but the day gets sucked with all the distractions, because you just didn’t have that plan in place. And now you’re just reacting to the whims of everybody else’s demands and requests all day long. Instead of just kind of like proactively just having something in place, which then allows you to, you know, have a little bit more boundaries or, or respond and communicate differently, like, Oh, no, I can’t do that. Right now. I’m working on this or, or just keep you focused on that. So yeah, it is. It’s just amazing the difference of like, what your day and week and month can feel like when you’re planning and when you’re not.
Real Happy Mom 19:26
Yes, definitely. Now I’m wondering about the moms who are like, you know, like, yeah, I hear you guys, like I want to do better. But you know, I just can’t do the structure like, you know, my day or week is just like so unpredictable. Like, I can’t really do it. Like what would you say to those people who say that they just can’t have structure? Yeah,
Mridu 19:51
well, I’d say that. First of all, it’s Ed’s life for everybody. I think some people you know, for some people’s lives. Yeah, may feel like it’s it is just crazy day to day. Know that in everybody’s life, like there is some unpredictability, and so you know, you’re not alone. And that everyone’s not a special unicorn like they think but you know, we do feel I think when we look at our own lives, we’re like, oh, this would never work for me. So why does it change, you know, have a change in that mindset, like, this is something that’s actually going to allow me more freedom, this is gonna allow me better creativity, more listening skills, more presence with my family. And so how can I make this work for me, and I’d say, it’s, you know, that’s your feeling, really go about this on a day to day basis. That way, you’re not feeling like, Oh, my gosh, I’m in this structured routine, like Monday through Friday, I have to get up at the same time and work on you know, my blog at the same time and do the dinner at the same time. And everything’s, you know, I think just the idea of that can shut shut us down off, and we’re like, it’s too structured. So don’t just go into it thinking, you know, what, every day is a new day, every day can be it can be as creative or different structure routine as I want, as long as I’m planning out that day, right? So now you might say, Okay, today is Monday, and I’m gonna go take an exercise class, the gym at 430. But tomorrow, I’m gonna wake up and meet a friend at 630 and go for a hike. And you know, and today, I’m gonna have like, you know, make whatever, like, make dinner at five, and tomorrow, I’m gonna wake up and meal prep in the morning, so I don’t have to do it. And you know, you can change it around. But when you have that control, when you’re just going through exactly what we talked about before planning it out. And using that list and getting things in your calendar, and just looking at it by day by day, that idea of structure routine kind of falls by the wayside, you’re no longer sort of like, held captive to this thing of like, Oh, my gosh, I have so much routine. And so I think for someone really creative or someone to sort of resisting that idea, it’s just this happy medium that you feel like, Oh, I get to, I get to be in charge, I get to control this on whatever schedule that I want to every day.
Real Happy Mom 21:54
Yes, I really like that. And I like the way that you’re saying it, taking it day to day, because yeah, definitely looking at it that way makes it so much more easier than thinking like, Oh, I gotta do this, like, you know, for a whole week or a month or a year. So I’m really loving that. And I love how you said, you know, changing the mindset about how it’s going to actually allow you more freedom, you know, time with your family creativity, whatever it is that you’re trying to accomplish. Because I know for sure that having this structure is definitely something that that, at least for me, gives me more time to do the things that I actually enjoyed. So I love that you brought that up.
Mridu 22:36
Yeah, otherwise, this stuff can just be lingering over you. So let’s say you know, you’re that person, you’re like, I don’t like this whole structure thing. And I don’t understand how this gives me more freedom. Well, let’s say you have three things on your list. And now you have them scheduled. So you’ve knocked them all out by 2pm. Right to be on, you’re done. And now after that, your brain and your creativity and your time and your calendar and your space is just free for you to do whatever you want for the next year, however you want to spend it with your family or with work or exercising, whatever, because you’ve gotten them all done. Whereas if you didn’t plan it, it could be eight o’clock at night, and you still haven’t had the third one. And it’s just lingering over you and making you feel like a failure for the day. So I think that’s when we really really to think about how much that kind of just planning out that day can help give you more of that space and independence in your life.
Real Happy Mom 23:27
Yeah, and going back to to plan out the day. Um, so now that we kind of tackled the structure part. I know that you said, you know, picking five things, three things, whatever it is that you need to get done that day, preferably the night before. But I’m thinking about how do we get the most important things done? Because I know there’s a lot of things that are begging for our attention when it comes to, you know, taking care of the kids in the house, even at work. You know, there’s always these things that seem like it’s important, but it’s really not. So what are some of your tips on kind of getting to the root of those things so that when we do have those days or weeks or a feeling haywire, we can start to get back in control a lot quicker, and really start knocking things out there to get on make a difference.
Mridu 24:21
I feel like this always comes back to a feeling it’s an emotional tug. And I feel like that’s not ever talked about when we think about productivity or time management. It is you know, you can there’s like the Eisenhower matrix, you can go through that whole process of important and urgent and you know all that I’m a big believer in those things. But ultimately for me, I think it comes down to how you feel. And if you are truthful and honest with yourself and you tap into your gut and your intuition. You will always be directed you will know what those most important things are if you go through this process, so if you say Getting and again, the question I always say is what will make me feel most successful when my head hits the pillow tonight. So I can tell you like, I know no matter what, every single day, it’s for me one thing is some type of exercise, but I don’t get it in, I just, I feel I’m just irritated with myself at the end of the day, right? I just annoyed I like even if I get all this other stuff done, I get annoyed. So my gut tells me like, that is something that’s really personally important to me. In terms of work, there’s about 1000 things, as you know, that we could be focusing on all the time. But I sort of know like, you know what, I could do all these other things that are the easy low hanging fruit. But yes, me a lot of checks on my off my list. But the one that has been lingering on me, I’m procrastinating. It is making me crazy, it keeps I feel a little bit sick by you know, because like, I don’t want to do it. If I tackle that one. That’s the one that I’d be like, Oh, man, I had a awesome day today. Right? So if you can tap into that, like, what is that thing. And so typically, I will say they have often have to do with self care, they often have to do with presence, or relationships, they often have to do with strategy or planning. Right, like even planning the day, you know, like, those are usually the those are the common, you know, suspects are the ones that are really going to make you feel really good. Which by the way happens to be the ones that gives you the best results at home and at your work and with your relationships.
Real Happy Mom 26:24
Yes, yes, I’m loving all of that. Because when you say that, I was thinking about it myself, I was like, What is the thing that I need to get done? Like that will make me feel so much better? And I was like, Oh, yeah, it is the self care. And it’s always the things that we think that is not necessarily important, but it really is. So I love that you brought that up, or even the strategic planning because the other thing that’s getting on my nerves is I’m constantly thinking about but I don’t want to do is getting some this program started at work. And I know I need to start planning that out. So sitting down and getting that together, I know will make a world of a difference. So thank you for helping with that. And tell me it’s okay to tap into my emotions and and use that as a guide when it comes to getting important things done.
Mridu 27:09
Yeah, absolutely. I you know, it’s a gift that women have, I think we all know it, right? We have like a really deep intuition. We, we know if you can save you having like a quoting, right, we always know we have the answer. And so if you can tap into that you will it will guide you and listen to it. But also, I will say it will help if you write it all down, right, if you get out of your head. It’s also a lot easier to not only tap into your motion, but to look at a list it just like like things start popping out on a page for clarity for you.
Real Happy Mom 27:38
Yes, definitely. Definitely. Because I literally before I got on the call with you, I was writing things down and I was looking at my list. I was like, Oh, yeah, I thought I was gonna do that like a month ago. And I was like, Oh, yeah, like, I definitely need to start with that one first. So yes, all about writing it down. Because things do kind of pop up a lot more boldly. And you can see it a lot better than versus, you know, trying to go through it mentally in your head. So I’m with you on that one.
Mridu 28:07
Yeah, and I think like, on the weekends, like I do the same thing. And often on the weekend. It’s something like, Oh, it’s just a phone call, like I have this list of phone calls that I keep wanting to make. But when the time comes around to the weekend, I can’t remember at all like whom Oh, who am I supposed to call them? Oh, you know, my old college roommate or a cousin or whoever right? It’s just like, so people that want to stay in touch with and if I can just see that on the list then I can put on my calendar and then I’m like, Oh my god, I know when it feels so good after had that conversation, you know, but I don’t even remember to do it. Unless I see it somewhere on my calendar over the weekend. So this is not just like a Monday through Friday thing and at the same time. It’s not to make your weekend super stressful or routine either. But those simple reminders, you know, based on what would make me feel really good this weekend. If I got it done maybe it’s like organize one drawer and I call my cousin you know and I plan an activity with the kids and if I did those three things like how would it feel like Sunday night like that was such a good weekend?
Real Happy Mom 29:04
You know? Yes, definitely for sure for sure. Now you have given us a lot of really great tips and a lot of things to definitely start implemented to help us was specially when the week is getting a little crazy. So I’m just wondering if there was any other parting words or any other motivation that you have to share with us Real Happy Mom before we signed off.
Mridu 29:27
One other tip I have that ties in to everything we’ve been talking about and again just thinking about your audience how busy we are and all the demands and people was pulling at our at our attention is to implement a Power Hour. I think you’ve heard of this this term but the power hour, but something that you know, it’s easy to read or hear about but we’re not always doing and typically that power hour it’s oftentimes it’s in the morning but it definitely doesn’t have to be it could be 30 minutes mid morning, 30 minutes in the evening, one hour at night, one hour in the morning, but as soon as It’s this one hour, that’s your power hour that you have scheduled blocked off, put on your calendar. It’s your non negotiable time that you’re working on something that’s not email, I can tell you that it’s not texting, it’s not called it’s, it’s usually the thing that you’re procrastinating, right? It’s your like, I again, it’s a strategy or the planning or just the stuff you don’t seem to ever to get to, but you know, would be awesome and make you feel great. Just put that word, you know, power hour and put that time on your calendar every day. And if nothing else, if you’re like, I can’t have a whole day on, you know, all of these different things to focus on are all this different planning. But if I can make a little bit of a dent every single day, it is unbelievable. What happens after five focused hours in a week, or 20 focus hours in a month. I mean, can you just imagine the success and the impact you can make on any goal professional or personal? So I would really implore everyone to really think about, you know, let’s make this super tangible and put a power hour on your schedule every
Real Happy Mom 31:00
day. Yes, yes, yes, definitely. I am totally on board with the Power Hour phone. Gotta have that one. Now, I have been loving all of these tips. And I know that moms who are listening and want to learn more about you or learn how to connect with you, so where can we find you if we want more?
Mridu 31:19
The best place for us to connect is over on Life is Organized comm forward slash resources. I did have some my best, like most requested resources there if you’re typically like, how do I stop procrastinating? Or how do I get focused? Or how do I stop feeling overwhelmed so I have several there for you to choose from get one get all and I think that’s just gonna be the most valuable place for for your listeners to be
Real Happy Mom 31:42
awesome. And I’ll make sure to include that link in the show notes as well as some other places to find you as well on social if you’re wanting to do that as well. So thank you, thank you so much for coming on and sharing all this with us. This has been a really good I really really enjoyed all of it. Thank you so much for sharing me with your audience. I hope everyone got a lot of value. Now that does it for this episode of the Real Happy Mom podcast to find the links in the show notes head over to Real Happy Mom comm slash 151. And there you’ll find the links and a show notes so that you can start to get your week in day back on track. If you found this helpful, do me a huge favor and leave me a five star rating and review on Apple podcasts. This helps me out more than you know and gets the message out to other happy moms who need to hear this because let me tell you, this is all about sharing and like they say Sharing is caring. So go ahead and let other moms know that this is a great podcast to listen to by leaving that review. Now that does it for this episode. Make sure you return back for another full episode. Take care and with lots of love