Now, more than ever, more moms are in the workforce. With that comes the challenge of balancing work and family as a mom.
Due to the difficulty of living off of one income, oftentimes, moms have their decision made for them about working while raising kids.
Some moms have to work because they choose to. Either way, working while raising children comes with its challenges.
You’ll be busy. But you can be a happy working mom that can balance work and home with these tips.
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A simple way to balance your career and mom life
When you ask most working moms how they do it, you’ll often hear about their scheduling and planning habits.
Some moms have a planner that they carry with them.
Others utilize a calendar online or an app on their phone to keep it together. It’s essential to work out a set schedule that works for you.
Consider the following working mom tips for balancing work and family as a mom.
Plan your mornings
If you’re not a morning person, try getting some of your morning tasks the evening before.
I have found that waking up before everyone gives me time without distractions to get things for the day.
You can also use a few minutes to self-care before the kids wake up.
Set aside enough time to get the kids dressed if they’re not old enough to do it themselves.
This helps prevent the morning rush that makes the mornings feel chaotic so that you can be the happy mom that is not stressed first thing in the morning.
If you can, enjoy a meal together as a family before the day begin. This will take some planning, but it is doable once you get your morning routine down.

Schedule events
Schedule your after-work activities in a planner.
This will ensure that there’s room for everything and nothing important is forgotten.
This includes playdates, kids’ activities, grocery shopping, and other errands.
Be flexible
Remember that everything won’t always go perfectly.
If something doesn’t work out and you need to rearrange your schedule, plan to do something on a different day.
Since you’re juggling many tasks simultaneously, keeping your schedule flexible is necessary to keep your stress levels down.
One of my favorite things I used to hear at my previous job is, “be open and flexible.”
Being open and flexible helps when your day doesn’t go as planned or something unexpected comes up.
Related: 3 Things You Need in Order to Have Balance as a Working Mom

Staying involved
One of the top reasons for mom guilt among working moms is that they feel like they’re not as involved.
If you concentrate on spending the time you do have with your little ones in a quality way, you’ll still be heavily involved in their lives.
Just because you aren’t there every minute doesn’t mean you aren’t making a big difference in their lives.
When you leave work, do something with your children that you all enjoy.
Maybe they’ll want some alone time to play independently, but you can also stay involved by showing that you care.
You can have quality time with them at meals and always engage them in family games or other activities.
This can quickly help you balance work and family as a mom.

Take breaks
You must remember to schedule some breaks and incorporate self-care.
If you need a “spa day” every once in a while, it’s something you deserve.
Sometimes you’ll feel that you spend every waking moment at work worrying about the children, so take time to unwind.
Read a book after the kids have gone to bed, work on your relationship with your spouse, or engage in something you find relaxing.
Related: 50 Awesome Self-Care Ideas for Moms

Your relationships
Make sure to spend individual time with each member of your family.
Remember your husband during life’s crazy times and give that relationship some much-needed nourishment.
Individual attention will help you get to know your kids better, and you’ll have time to truly build upon your lasting relationship.

How to balance work and family as a mom
A working mom is a truly special person. Sure, life can get hectic at times.
But if you follow these tips on balancing work and family as a mom, you can strike a happy balance between your career and your life at home.

This post is a part of the series 31 Days of Parenting Tips for Busy Moms With Young Kids. Each day throughout the series, I discuss a different topic regarding parenting young kids. I’d love for you to follow along and share this series with moms who may need some support or to hear that they aren’t alone in their journey of raising young kids.
Find all of the posts in one place on the series homepage: 31 Days of Parenting Tips for Busy Moms With Young Kids
Thanks, Marva!! You are right! I am glad that you decided to click over from Pinterest. Thanks for stopping by.
Wow, Toni-Ann, I love your tips. It’s so easy to give in to mom guilt and feel as if we need to do #allthethings. I came across your post on Pinterest and I look forward to following along.